Positively Beautiful - Lewis Taylor News June '03 Extra #1 Positively Beautiful, The News Due to scattered bits of Lewis-related business, Positively Beautiful may be coming to you once or twice this month as an 'Extra' rather than as a regular issue. This is the first such Extra, and includes just a couple of items for fans' attention. Our Newsletter's Purpose The Positively Beautiful newsletter brings you real news of Lewis Taylor and what he's up to. For the fans and by the fans, along with - wherever appropriate and possible - official confirmation and/or input from Lewis' camp. One thing's for sure - if you see news here it's real, not rumour! We aim to provide for fans pertinent information, previews and reviews of all things Lewis Taylor, over time. News will always be confirmed before it appears here, or definite possibilities clearly stated if they're unconfirmed. If you have an opinion, however, about a Lewis gig, have an album review, related links, comments, suggestions or questions, send them along! This newsletter is truly for the fans and by the fans - we want to know what you'd like to see here, and we welcome contributions appropriate to the spirit of this newsletter. Something that Positively Beautiful would like to initiate along the way is a Question & Answer section about and/or for Lewis. We offer no guarantees at all in connection with any Q & A - but if you do have questions feel free to send them along. We'll do our best to get you the real answers, with input from Lewis himself if possible. The Extras Lewistaylormusic.com Forums Are Back As you'll know, the forum was hacked last week and so we've all been choking for it to come back so we can continue chatting with each other. The forums at lewistaylormusic.com are now back up and running, thanks to hadena's usual diligence and hard work. Hadena also installed the newest version of the forum software that's more secure, so hopefully hacking won't be an issue in future. You can access the forum now from this URL: http://www.lewistaylormusic.com/newforum/ . Here's the message that hadena put up at the forum, regarding its return today: we were hacked........... .... and now we're BACK! to cut a veeeeery long story short, we were hacked by a random hacker (apparently from Bahrain, thank you very much for visiting! do come again! next time we'll give you a free hotel!) (sorry, just trying out the Greek government's novel (though slightly scary) tactics of dealing with opposition ). so all of you who thought it was some crazy/heartbroken/lovesick gal (or guy...?) trying to get back at the eminently loveable lewis, sorry to say it wasn't as juicy as that. and i know there were lots of you with those suspicions... (certainly the first one on my mind -- for a second i wondered whether i had hacked my own forum in my sleep... why wasn't my password working???). anyway, we're updated, upgraded and ready to go. i was hoping to have some big splendiferous re-opening party, but no particular inspiration hit me. any suggestions? let me know....... btw, please *everyone* change your passwords, as far as i can tell only loz and i were interfered with (oooh baby) but there could have been others. any problems and you can click "forget your password?" or just email me at web@lewistaylormusic.com. that's about it for the moment.... peace, hadena Positively Beautiful would like to take this opportunity to say a mega-huge thank you to hadena for building and maintaining such a fantastic fansite and forums for all of our benefits. We do hope Lewis feels the love. 3rd Annual Lewis Taylor Fan Convention - August 1 - 3, 2003 Official Dates Since there have been no objections whatsoever to the dates of August 1 to 3, 2003 for the convention in London, we're good to go! Please start watching for any activities happening in London on those days, and send any suggestions, ideas and information for the convention in an email to positivelybeautiful@telus.net, with 'convention' in the subject line. London Info/Help Volunteers Needed We've had requests from people who will need information and possibly help to arrange certain factors of their visit to London for the convention this August - hotel information for accomodations, for instance. Accordingly, we're asking that anyone who's willing to be of some assistance in this regard send their name and email address to Positively Beautiful at positivelybeautiful@telus.net with 'volunteer' in the subject line, along with an idea of what you're willing to help with. We will then pass on to you the names and contact information of anyone requesting this type of help. We would also like to publish your name, email address and what type of assistance you're offering in future newsletter issues/extras if possible, so please give or deny us that permission when you write to volunteer. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out our fellow fans who are new to London! New name needed! As soren has posted on the forums.... "the word "convention" is from now on not to be used in conjunction with "Lewis Taylor", on the grounds that it is just severely un-cool. We are still meeting that weekend though. Mr. Terry Lewis, Jack the Lad and one of the original "it" girls, has suggested "LT Piss Up" as something that would appeal more to the young people of today. Thoughts, anyone?" Send your name suggestions to positivelybeautiful@telus.net or post them on this forum thread: http://www.lewistaylormusic.com/newforum/viewthread.php?tid=790&page=1#pid6305 Past Meetings You can see pictures and news online about the first two conventions at the following links: First Annual (2001): http://fanclub.lewistaylormusic.com/convention.html Second Annual (2002): http://fanclub.lewistaylormusic.com/convention2.html Official Lewis News Availability Don't forget to check the home page of the fansite - http://www.lewistaylormusic.com/ . There's a box on the right side of the page where official current and upcoming news is updated by management when appropriate. Currently still in the Official News is the following: Influential industry tome 'Music Week' joins the long list of critics raving about Lewis's October 2002 release 'STONED - PART ONE' following nothing but excellent press and heavyweight support from, amongst others, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, Q, Mojo, Uncut, Radio 1, Kiss FM and Jazz FM radio. No small feat for an independent! All this plus Elton John unexpectedly plugging the album on BBC1 prime time TV. Speaking to camera on Liquid News, Elton suddenly pulled 'Stoned' out of his coat pocket and advised viewers to 'buy this, he is fantastic' before handing a copy to fellow guest Ms Dynamite saying 'I bought this for you'. Following, Lewis's recent Subterania 'comeback' gig -described in Hit Sheet as 'life-changing...' and described by Jazz Fm as the 'gig of the year' - three more consequetive dates at the Jazz Cafe, London have been added for Monday 20th Jan, through to Wednesday 22nd January. The album continues to be available 'as recommended listening' nationally through all HMV stores, a major UK retail outlet who have been remarkably supportive of the project.The album will also now be available from all Fopp Shops throughout the UK with other major outlets to follow. The album can also be ordered on-line, including internationally, from www.hmv.co.uk. Lewis-Lovers' Links http://www.lewistaylormusic.com/ - Fansite with hugely popular forums... this is the place for Lewis fans to hang out online, and Lewis himself contributes from time to time. Lots of information, mp3s and pictures here. There's even a forum specifically for questions to and answers from Lewis, whenever he is able and/or has inclination to answer. http://fanclub.lewistaylormusic.com/ - Lewis Taylor's Fan Collection. a site for and about Lewis fans. Show your love of and support for Lewis' music by going visible online with all the other fans there - or just have some fun checking out who else loves Lewis' sounds. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Arena/7463/ - The first fansite online; still there, with some recent updating and activity. Lots of great information for Lewis fans to peruse. http://www.soul24-7.com/ - The hugely popular internet radio station with a soul forum to post messages at. Try requesting a Lewis tune by emailing direct to any DJ on-air at studio@soul24-7.com. The more requests received and forum posts made about Lewis, we believe, the more likely the station will get behind The Man and his music! http://www.slowreality.com/ - Lewis' official record company site. The site is currently being built... don't give up checking the link, even if you get a 'holding page' notice; keep checking back because it's still in the plans. http://www.hmv.co.uk/ - Here of course because this is where to purchase Stoned | Part One online! Contact Positively Beautiful: All questions, comments, contributions and suggestions are happily received at positivelybeautiful@telus.net. We thank all fans for their valued and interesting contributions to the newsletter. Until our next issue/extra - take care, keep the Lewis faith, and spread the Lewis word! The Legend is back! Positively Beautiful -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send an email to positivelybeautiful@telus.net with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line of the email, and the email address you wish to unsubscribe in the body of the email. This email list is used only for the Positively Beautiful newsletter, is completely confidential, and no email addresses will ever be sold or given to anyone. Please feel free to forward this email in its entirety to anyone and everyone who you think would appreciate receiving it! Anyone interested can also opt into the list by sending an email to the above address with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line of the mail. Reply address will be used as subscribing address unless a different address is entered into the body of the email.